
,2022年11月14日—《BeatHazard3》完美結合對遊戲和音樂的熱愛,兩相結合,相得益彰。跟著音樂轟開出路,迎戰成群結隊的敵方戰鬥機。隨著音樂力道攀上巔峰、你的武器大放 ...,2010年4月15日—Powerupyourspaceshipandwatchasthemusicboostsyourfirepower.Unleashhellontheenemyshipswhenyoumaxoutwithweaponpickups!Beat ...,前來探索壯觀的星系音樂收藏!以前所未有的雙搖桿射擊遊戲來感受您的音樂,每一首曲目都按音樂有自己的...

《Beat Hazard 3》

2022年11月14日 — 《Beat Hazard 3》完美結合對遊戲和音樂的熱愛,兩相結合,相得益彰。 跟著音樂轟開出路,迎戰成群結隊的敵方戰鬥機。隨著音樂力道攀上巔峰、你的武器大放 ...

Beat Hazard on Steam

2010年4月15日 — Power up your spaceship and watch as the music boosts your firepower. Unleash hell on the enemy ships when you max out with weapon pickups! Beat ...

Beat Hazard 3


Beat Hazard

Beat Hazard is a music-themed video game developed and published by British studio Cold Beam Games on October 28, 2009 for Xbox Live Indie Games.

Steam 社群:

Hi all, Here's the 14th Birthday update for all 3 Beat Hazard games. You can now play all the OST music in each of the games.

Steam 社群:

... Beat Hazard 2 無縫結合對遊戲與音樂的熱愛,成品比各自的結果更多。Beat Hazard 2 提高在您的音樂戰鬥的趣味,啟動您的太空船,目擊火力隨音樂跳動,在最強力量下打到 ...

在App Store 上的「Beat Hazard Ultra」

Join thousands of people rocking out to their favorite music. Experience YOUR music collection like never before with this intense music driven arcade shooter.

Beat Hazard 2

Experience your music collection as never before with this intense music driven arcade shooter. Each of your songs will have its own unique ebb and flow ...